Monday, March 31, 2008

Fish Creek Provincial Park, Calgary

Sunday afternoon we went to Fish Creek Provincial Park in Calgary with Tisha and fam before I had to catch my flight back to Toronto. We had a nice stroll and saw some more deer - it was very peaceful and great to stretch my legs before the long flight!
The Hart family :-) Thanks for a great visit guys!!

Banff National Park

Chad and I took a mini-vacation these past few days and toured Banff and Lake Louise. We had a great time exploring and relaxing - a great balance! We didn't do a ton of hiking, just walked around the towns, and little walks at scenic stops - but we did hike from the gondola to the summit, which was fun. The towns and the mountains were beautiful! After our Banff tour it was off to Calgary to visit Tisha, Jeff, and family. It was so nice to visit with them - we had a great time!!

Matthew spent time with Grammie at home and had a blast! Four days away was just the right amount...long enough to feel as though we were away, but not too long that I was preoccupied with getting home to Matthew :-)

View from above - wow! We took this picture just after we got off the gondola.
Chad looking up at the weather station at the peak - if you look closely you can see the boardwalk that we hiked to get to the summit.

At the top of Mt. Sulpher :-)
We took the Bow Valley Parkway to Lake Louise instead of the TransCanada and saw this coyote. We also saw some deer...

Mel at Lake Louise - someday we'll go back in the summer to really appreciate it!
Chad at Lake Louise
Lake Minewanka was very pretty, even though it was frozen.

Seeing these three goats made Chad's trip! A park ranger even tried to scare the goats off the road, but they wouldn't budge!

Chad took advantage of the goats being preoccupied with salt licking and got a great close up! Too bad he bumped the cepia mode on the camera...

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Family Pictures

Every holiday I insist on a family's getting harder and harder to get a good shot as Matthew gets older! Here are our best two Easter 2008 pics :-)

The Smith, Barker, and Barbieri families all gathered for Easter this year - we had a delicious Easter dinner!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Morning

It didn't take Matthew long this morning to discover what the Easter bunny left him :-)
Matthew was not a fan of the bunny ears...
Hey Grampie - how do these things work?
Now he's got the hang of it! They are animal stamps.

Matthew got started colouring very quickly - I can tell we'll be doing lots of crafts in the future!
This great t-shirt from the zoo is from Great Gram and Gramp Barker - thank-you!! Matthew is very good at making tiger sounds!

Happy Easter!

The Easter bunny was visiting the zoo a couple of days ago and we were lucky enough to meet him! Did he find you today??

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Niagara Falls

Today we took a road trip to Niagara Falls and Niagara-on-the-Lake. Mom and Dad (and Paul) hadn't been to either place before, so it was a very nice outing! Even Peaches and Buttons got to come. We did some shopping at the Christmas store at Niagara-on-the-Lake and were then off to the Falls. We'd never been there in the winter and it was quite pretty. We have learned to keep a close eye on Nana though, as she is prone to disappearing in search of sales...

Toronto Zoo

My big, handsome boy getting ready for the zoo yesterday. Though it was a bit windy, overall it was a very nice day. Matthew travelled on his Dad's back the entire day - Dad got a good workout!
Smith family at the zoo! Matthew had a great time and kept talking about the "anmals" at home last night. Chad and I got him an "anmal" placemat with his name on it, and Nana and Grampy got him an "anmal" big boy cup and bowl. All were a big hit when we got home!

The rhino was very cool - he looks like a statue...
The baby monkey was very cute. Matthew liked watching the monkeys!
The Siberian tiger - he was very big!
Outside of the tiger area...Paul and Lauren were on the look-out while my back was turned momentarily.
Matthew really liked the giraffe's...he was not impressed at having to turn around to look at the camera!

Friday, March 21, 2008

The New Do!

Matthew has been long due for a new haircut, so yesterday we took him back to Melon Heads for a snip. He sat on his Dad's lap, and was looking very serious most of the haircut.
All done - we survived! I can't believe how big and grown up he looks with his new haircut - my how time flies!!
Looking both handsome and dirty - just finishing up his pasta at the mall food court. This boy has one gigantic appetite!
Waving good-bye to everyone at the foodcourt!

Handy Man!

We just got Matthew a little table and chair set - it's really for Easter, but we set it up a couple of days early. Here is Matthew studying Grampy's building techniques...
Hey Grampy - do I do it like this?

Yup - I think Matthew has the hang of things - he is quite handy already!