Thursday, December 6, 2007

Matthew's First Christmas Concert!

So this afternoon was Matthew's first Christmas concert. And what was his role you ask? Angel? Elf? Nope - he sat in a stroller on the stage. Did that stop us from acting like all the other crazy parents who were desparately trying to capture a picture of their child? No way! I snapped about 15 of Matthew from this distance - as you can tell, he is barely visible (and Chad had the video camera rolling with a much better zoom!). Just in case you haven't spotted him, he is the blonde head on a teacher's lap in the centre. In any event, the concert was very fun and we were very proud of our boy who behaved so well!
Here is Matthew playing peek-a-boo in the triple stroller
Matthew running towards me while I snap a picture and Dad films it in the background.

Matty and Dad after the concert.

Matty with a big grin at home, after the concert.

Here is a picture from this past weekend. Matthew was so tired in the car that Chad was able to carry him upstairs where the two of them had a nap. How cute!!

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