Sunday, January 13, 2008

Random Happenings From This Week...

Lately when Matthew comes downstairs and sees Riley he goes right over to him and snuggles. He's also been dragging Aunt Lauren's boot around the house, which is why it is blocking Riley's head in the picture.
Two buddies have fun...well, Riley looks a little worn out!

Riley, ever so gently, taking a cinnamon shreddie out of Matthew's fingers

Matthew playing peek-a-boo around Riley's head

Could I be prouder? A budding hydrologist already!


Anonymous said...

OK, who knit Matthew that sweater? Jack has the SAME one!! exactly the same, my mom knit it!! too small a world!

Anonymous said...

oops, that last one is from me (meg) I forgot to tell you who I was!!

Mel and Chad said...

Haha, that's too funny! Chad's Mom (Grammie) knit Matthew the sweater :-)