Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Thanksgiving at the Tobique

It was so nice to spend this Thanksgiving at the Tobique after missing last year! Mom and Dad even made their first trip to the Tobique. So we had a really packed van with 4 adults, 2 carseats, 3 dogs, and luggage!

We had a really great time - lots of good food, fun times with family, and lots of laughs - especially while playing Family Fued.

Here is Matthew having a quick cat nap on the very long drive to the Tobique...Riley decided to snuggle!
Here is Matthew with his cousins - he had such fun playing hide and seek with them!
Sean and Cathy were specially requested by Matthew one night to read stories and do "tub time". I think a fun time was had by all :_)
Smith family photo - Thanksgiving 2008
Anna with Mom, Nana, and Grammie
Matthew with Dad and his two Grampies.

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