Sunday, June 28, 2009

Camping Fun - Evangeline Campground

Grammie and Grampy are visiting for the week and Matthew was so lucky to spend two nights camping with them at the trailer! We spent Friday and Saturday at the campground and exploring with them, but headed home with Sissy each night where Riley was waiting. Both kids enjoyed the campground. Matthew was in the pool, at the playground, and having fun with Grammie and Grampy. Sissy of coarse was taking everything in and I'm sure was wishing she could run and do things with her big brother. Here she is taking a play break to sit with Grampy and watch the fire :-)
Matthew and Chad were the only brave souls to get in the cold pool!

While they were swimming, Anna and Grammie had fun at the playground.
After a busy day, Matthew would cuddle up with Grammie for a story before bed :-)

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