The long weekend in August we went on our first family camping trip - to Jellystone Park in Kingston. Nana and Grampy came too, thankfully, as camping with the kids and Riley is a lot of work - even more work than I expected! The first day was quite exhausting, but we really enjoyed ourselves on day two. Grammie, Grampy, Sean, Cathy, and Shay visited at campfire time, so the kids really had a family weekend. The campground has a waterslide, playground, bouncy pillow, pool - endless activities for kids. Matthew's favorite part was the waterslide - he went again and again and again :-) Sissy enjoyed lots of stroller rides and meeting Yogi Bear. The weekend was not without a couple of miss-haps...Riley broke his collar trying to sniff a dog passing by and then took off through the campground to search out Grampy S. Chad didn't give Grampy B warning when throwing a football in the dark...and it ended up in a neighbour's fire pit - Matthew will tell you an animated play by play of each event :-) Overall, it was a fun weekend and the kids did great!

Anna was a little skeptical of Yogi Bear...

Sissy exploring the camper...this may be the only time the kids were in this camper as we're trying to sell it. Time will tell, but either way I'm sure they will grow up with lots of camping experiences! Mom just might have to suck it up and go back to tent camping :-)
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