Sunday, September 13, 2009

Smileys Provincial Park - Sept 7.09

Matthew spent last Sunday night in Wolfville with Grammie and Grampy, so Monday morning we met them at Smileys Provincial Park in Windsor for the exchange. It was our first time to the park and it was really nice. It's right along the river and has a great playground, campsites, and a couple of trails. I'd been anxious to go on a hike for weeks, so it was nice to get out, even if it was a short visit.
First stop - playground :-) Anna enjoyed the swings and trying to climb the slide.

All grins from my boy going down the slide!

Family shot before hitting the trail.

Sissy was all decked out in her fall gear and enjoyed being up with Grammie.

Grampy and Matthew having a tickle break.

Matthew and Grammie racing to get to the end of the trail!

Last picture before we went home :-)

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