Sunday, December 13, 2009

Halloween - Better Late Than Never!

We had a very busy fall full of busy work schedules and the swine flu, so I've been very behind on the blog. Halloween this year was very fun as Matthew was fully aware that it meant lots of treats! We spent Halloween in Middleton again this year so that we could visit family and go for a fire truck ride. First stop was Grammie and Grampy Barker...I think Matthew weasled some extra treats :-) He is not wearing his hood, but he is a monkey...or a monkey monster according to him!

On to visit Grammie Cole and Ed where boxes of the Cheerios as well as Halloween treats were waiting!
The fire truck ride was a highlight! Matthew and I went last year with Dad, but in the little truck, so this was his first year on the big truck! It was also Anna's (tigger) first fire truck ride. Here are the kids with Grampy (Nana was holding down the fort at home).

Me and Chad with the kids waiting for our turn to go up on the truck. The kids were surprisingly well behaved and had a lot of fun on the truck. I'm sure we'll be back next year!

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