Monday, April 4, 2011

Catching Up - White Point, January 15

Wow - the time has flown by and I've been neglecting the blog! Here is me starting to catch up! Back in January the entire Smith clan spent a weekend at White Point and had lots of fun. The kids enjoyed seeing all the rabbits everywhere and Matthew especially liked feeding them right out of his hands! The games room was a big hit with arcade games, shuffle board, and pool. We enjoyed a mussel bake on the beach Saturday afternoon and a nice visit with Bonny, Harley, Sherilan, and Nanny after supper. Here are a few pictures of the weekend festivities :-) Anna being ever so careful to observe the bunnies without touching them...she gets that honestly!
Matthew was very patient...learing the bunnies to him with all the food...
A pool table for pool?? No way - it's for shooting balls really fast!
Game on - Shay and Anna versus Grammie in shuffle board.
Anna is a cheater :-)

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