Wednesday, April 11, 2007

It's True...Best Friends Really Do Start To Look Alike!

Riley and Matthew really are the best of friends! Yesterday, Riley didn't even move out of Matty's "U" when I set him on the floor, so Matty sat on Riley's paws :-)
Yesterday also saw a vacation from the "fake cough" as Matthew's primary form of communication. It had been going on for days - no babbling, just fake coughing, with the occassional fake sneeze. He was getting quite a kick out of himself! So yesterday he babbled away with lots of new sounds - I thought I may have heard a da, and a mama - but it was probably just wishful thinking. Alas, the incessant babbling was short lived as Matthew has been "clearing" his throat and making "grrr" noises most of the day. What a goon!! He gets so proud of himself when he makes a new sound!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That picture with the two of them flopped out the same way is too funny! Are you sure that Matty hasn't been dipping into Riley's dog food?