Sunday, May 13, 2007

My First Mother's Day!!

My first Mother's Day has been wonderful! I actually got a Mother's Day weekend!! Friday night we actually sat down and watched a movie - Freedom Writer's - and didn't fall asleep :-) We both really liked it and I would recommend it. Saturday morning I was presented with a card and inside it said to pack my bags, b/c I was going for 2 hours of relaxation at the spa at lunch time - yeah, lucky me. We packed up the entire family and drove to the spa. There was an off-leash park close to the spa and that's where the boys spent their time. I was told that Riley was really good and had so much fun!! The spa was great - I had the best massage ever (and I've had lots, went all the time when I was pregnant) and then had a manicure. We actually relaxed and watched another movie last night - Deja Vu (pretty good, but I always get so confused with time travel type movies). This morning I was presented with another card, jelly beans, and a scrapbooking magazine - wow! The best present was a kiss from my boy - he is the reason I get to have a Mother's Day weekend!! Thanks for a great weekend Chad, Matty, and Riley!!!
Here I am trying to get an on-camera kiss from Matthew, but he goes all goonie when he sees the camera.We went for a short Mother's Day walk - short b/c Chad went for a run during Matty's morning nap and got lost. He ended up running over 17 km and is pretty hard up right now - him and Matty are both sleeping...
After the stroller ride - what a happy boy!! Look closely and you can see his first tooth (on the bottom in the middle).

Earlier this week Matty was having a ball in his tent :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! Sounds like you had an excellent first Mother's Day! Ah...the spa! So nice!