I did something a couple of weeks ago that I had never done before - I ordered something on-line right after I saw it advertized on TV - yes, it is true. I was watching Oprah's green show and on came a company that specializes in green cleaning products for your home. I had been meaning to start buying more enviro/kid/me friendly cleaning products for a while now - but really, who has time to sort through everything on the grocery shelves? Well, not only did the show mention the products, but if you wanted to try them you could order a complete home starter kit. And get this - just for being an Oprah viewer - you could get a discount by ordering online - I was hooked!
Our box arrived in a few days and this past weekend we tried it out. The universal cleaner comes in a bottle (super concentrated) and then you mix like 2 drops with a spray bottle (also provided in your kit) full of water and voila! you have it. I must that it was a treat to be able to be on the same house level as Chad as he cleaned the bathroom - in fact, I actually helped! Normally, the fumes give me a headache so he always does it himself (on second thought...maybe this wasn't such a good idea...). Mental note - if you can't stand to be around cleaning products b/c it gives you a headache even when you are a few rooms away...it is probably not good for you, your family, or the enviro.
Anyways, my verdit is that it cleaned well, did not give me a headache, and in the long run will save us lots of $$ b/c a few drops of the concentrated cleaner mixed with water, will last the Smith's forever! If you would like to cash in on this great deal (now the entire kit is still like $80, but will last forever...and comes with dish detergent, laundary detergent and other stuff...or you can just buy individual products) follow this link http://www2.oprah.com/tows/pastshows/200704/tows_past_20070420_b.jhtml and go to the Shaklee link. Let me know what you think - happy cleaning!!
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