Sunday, June 27, 2010

Safari...With a Sick Matthew

The safari trip was another highlight, but on the way there my poor boy got sick. We kept going as we weren't sure if it was a bug or he was car sick. As it turned out he was sick and didn't get to enjoy much of the day, but Anna had a great time - especially at the splash pad!
Anna was a big Aunt Lauren's girl during our trip and quickly started calling her "Neny" - not to be confused with "Nany (Matthew)" or "Nana" - like Matthew used to call her.

Anna on the slide

Anna got braver the more time she spent in the water - she had a blast!
Sissy and Bampi

My poor sick boy slept on Chad while everyone else enjoyed the splash pad...he even fell asleep in Chad's arms on the tour bus for the last two "habitats" of the safari.
Matthew briefly perked up enough to go on an elephant ride just before we left the safari - he was beaming the entire time! Unfortunately it didn't last long and he was sick again...

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