Sunday, June 27, 2010

Springridge Farm

We have a picture of Matthew at 1, 2, and 4 with his face in the cut-out - it's amazing how the time has flown by! Springridge is a favorite stopping place from our days living in Ontario. It's a great spot to spend some family time and eat good food!
Make room for Anna!

Matthew loved the hay maze - he must have run through about 15 times!

Sissy liked being silly :-)

Grampy and Matthew at the top of the hay tower!

I climbed to the top too!

Smith family on the farm :-)

Matthew had his first pony ride here just after Anna was born in 2008 - he still loves pony rides!
It started to rain a little bit so Owen put on his fireman used to be Matthew's :-)

We all headed out to pick a basket of strawberries in the berry patch. Matthew and Anna were in charge of making sure Grampy didn't put any rotten ones in the basket!

Grampy and Owen

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